CBS NEWS: M. Therese Lysaught explores how the absence of nuns in Catholic hospitals has shifted the focus of healthcare October 29, 2024 By Ceceilia Voss
NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER: Michael Canaris recounts leading a student trip to Rome to engage with the synod October 25, 2024 By Ceceilia Voss
Loyola University Chicago expands global Building Bridges Initiative across Asia Pacific June 10, 2024 By Matthew Loyola’s innovative Building Bridges Initiative will facilitate a conversation between Pope Francis and students from several Asian Pacific universities.
CHICAGO CATHOLIC: Peter Jones and Michael Murphy share Loyola’s leadership in fostering dialogue between Pope Francis and students. October 3, 2023 By Ceceilia Voss
NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER: Peter Jones shares about Loyola’s role in hosting the upcoming virtual dialogue between Pope Francis and South Asian students. September 1, 2023 By Ceceilia Voss