Reminders and student resources during cold and flu season
Loyola's Wellness Centers, located across all three campuses, are offering essential resources to help students and staff combat cold and flu season.
November 4, 2024
Seasons are changing and Loyola’s Wellness Center is keeping up with the cold.
With cold and flu season in full swing during the fall and winter months, students are encouraged to protect themselves against illness. Ramblers can strengthen their immunity by taking advantage of the resources provided by the Wellness Center.
Protect your health
Free flu shots are available to students by appointment. Ramblers can schedule a flu vaccine at any of the Loyola Wellness Center locations. Flu shots are also available across Chicago. Students can find more information on the Chicago Department of Public Health’s website.
For personalized care, students can call the Wellness Center’s Dial-a-Nurse line (773-508-8883) to speak with a registered nurse who can answer health-related questions, discuss concerns, and recommend appropriate care. If needed, the nurse may also give outside referrals to other health professionals.
Additional care is always available at any of Loyola’s three wellness center locations across the Lake Shore, Water Tower, and Health Sciences campuses.
“Staying healthy this time of year isn’t just about going to the doctor once you’re feeling sick but proactively taking care of yourself to stay healthy,” says Joan Holden, director of the Wellness Center. “I encourage students to take care of their physical and mental health. And if you are feeling ill, stay at home and rest to avoid spreading to your peers.”
— Joan Holden, director, Loyola Wellness Center and assistant vice president, student health and wellness
All students currently attending classes (both full-time and part-time) are eligible to use the Wellness Center’s services. More details about student eligibility and wellness center programs can be found on the Wellness Center Website.
Supporting mental well-being
The colder months, shorter days, and the pressures of a busy academic season can add to feelings of stress and low energy. The Wellness Center offers various resources for students to manage stress, practice mindfulness, and connect with others. Group counseling sessions have been supporting mindfulness practitioners at Loyola since 2002 and welcome both beginners and experienced students.
For those looking for guided activities, the Taizé Prayer Service at Madonna della Strada Chapel provides a meditative experience through song, scripture, and candlelit silence, while yoga classes at Halas offer a way to relax through movement. The Wellness Center also maintains a webpage with mindfulness resources for those seeking further guidance. Whether you’re looking to unwind, find focus, or simply take a break, these resources can help you stay centered as the semester progresses.