Loyola University Chicago remains committed to fostering a campus where every student, faculty member, and staff member feels safe and supported. As the political and legal landscape evolves, the university is doubling down on efforts to ensure inclusivity and safety for all.
This fall marks the relaunch of the Community Coalition on Gender-Based Violence, a key initiative led by the Wellness Center’s office of Health Promotion and supported by multiple departments, including the Office for Equity & Compliance (OEC). The OEC plays a vital role in ensuring the university complies with Title IX regulations and in promoting an equitable, safe environment for all members of the Loyola community.
The Community Coalition on Gender-Based Violence brings together diverse stakeholders, from student leaders to advocacy groups, aimed at preventing and addressing incidents of gender-based violence on campus to create a safer and more supportive environment for survivors and to prevent future incidents.
Additionally, Loyola has recently conducted the first-ever SPEAK UP Against Sexual Misconduct Climate Survey, a comprehensive survey on gender-based violence and harassment. The survey, which was administered during Sexual Assault Awareness month last April, sought to gather insights directly from the student community about their experiences and perceptions related to safety on campus. By taking a data-driven approach, Loyola is dedicated to addressing the realities of gender-based violence and ensuring that effective, meaningful action is taken based on the survey findings.
“The results of this survey will be key in shaping our next steps as we continue to enhance the safety and well-being of our community,” said Tim Love, executive director for Equity & Compliance and Title IX coordinator. “Transparency is a priority for us, and the data will be made publicly available in accordance with legal requirements.”
In conjunction with these initiatives, Loyola has updated its Faculty Handbook, revised the Comprehensive Policy to reflect recent federal changes to Title IX and student and employee feedback, and recently outlined and updated Consensual Relationships Policy. This policy establishes guidelines for romantic or sexual relationships between individuals in positions of unequal power, ensuring that the university’s academic and work environment remains free from perceived or actual conflicts of interest and favoritism.
The SPEAK UP survey and recent policy updates are just a few of many initiatives taking place across the University to ensure that all voices are heard, and that the University remains a safe and inclusive place free from discrimination, harassment, and all forms of sexual misconduct.
Keep an eye out for more updates regarding the SPEAK UP survey in the coming months and get engaged as the Loyola community works together to create a supportive environment for all.