CNET: Gilbert Michaud explores what the Trump presidency may mean for home energy tax credits

FOX 32: Cynthia Paidipati offers strategies to beat feelings of sadness around the holiday season

CHICAGO TRIBUNE: The Loyola University Museum of Art loans 40 creches to the New England Congregational Church

NEW YORK TIMES: Jonathan Singer discusses the potential of AI software to prevent youth suicide

MARKETPLACE: Jenna Drenten explores the popularity behind viral animals on social media

CBS NEWS: M. Therese Lysaught explores how the absence of nuns in Catholic hospitals has shifted the focus of healthcare

WCBU: Arthur Lurigio explains how deinstitutionalization led to higher rates of incarceration

JACOBIN: Joy Gordon explains how U.S. licenses for disaster relief often fail to guarantee humanitarian aid access

NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER: Michael Canaris recounts leading a student trip to Rome to engage with the synod

BALTIMORE SUN: William French writes an op-ed about how current political candidates can be understood through the writings of the Founding Fathers